Some men, like my mate P, are hairy to the point where they feel some serious clipper action is needed, though thankfully P believes in keeping some fur available for budding inspectors :-D and potential husbands. Even hirsutely challenged fellas like myself sometimes resort to a little manscaping to keep the shrubbery tidier. Of course, if one has fur that just tends to grow to a naturally well-groomed state, so much the better!
So to continue with the theme of grooming I decided to find a suitable title image for this blog. After a few hours of perusing potential inspection candidates (it was long, hard, sweaty work... really!) I found one that I'm sure you'll agree is an exquisite example of natural fur perfection.
Natural fur perfection indeed!
We need an update! Was looking forward to more from you!
I've been slack, apologies -- spanking needed! ;)
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